
homepage  EDUCATION  Postgraduate Education

The school offers both MSc and PhD programs in many subjects such as biology, biochemistry, immunology, microbiology, pathology and ecology, with approximately 200 places for MSc and PhD students each year. Post-doctoral training opportunities in the field of biomedical sciences and animal sciences are also available. Additionally, the school undertakes continuing education and training programs of various levels serving members of the local community.

Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows enjoy high-quality research training in our well-equipped laboratories. During 2013 and 2014, graduate students from our school obtained a total of 15 grants awarded by the College Innovation Research Program of Jiangsu Province and co-authored nearly 200 research articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. 30 students received national scholarships, and 3 graduation dissertations were awarded outstanding thesis of Jiangsu Province.

Postgraduate programs

Postgraduate Programs

Field / Subject

Postdoctoral training

Biomedical Sciences  Animal Sciences

PhD programs

Human Anatomy and Embryology, Immunology, Pathogen Biology, Pathology and Pathophysiology, Forensic, Medical Neurobiology, Medical Psychology, Medical Cell and Molecular Biology

MSc programs

Human Anatomy and Embryology, Immunology, Pathogen Biology, Pathology and Pathophysiology, Forensic, Medical Psychology, Medical Neurobiology, Neurobiology, Physiology, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Developmental Biology, Botany, Zoology, Hydrobiology, Microbiology, Biophysics, Ecology, Rearing of Special-type Economic Animals, Aquaculture, Curriculum and Instruction

Professional degree programs

Curriculum & Instruction  Cultivation & Fishery

Continuing education

MSc courses for all the above subjects

World-class research centers and laboratories with advanced core-facilities are available for post-graduate education and post-doctoral training. These research platforms are supported by provincial as well as national programs aimed at creating centers of excellence in academic research and higher education.

National and Provincial Key Laboratories

National Engineering Laboratory for Modern Silk: jointly built with the College of Textile and Clothing Engineering of Soochow University

Stem Cell Research Center: jointly supported by Jiangsu province and the Ministry for Education

Immunology Laboratories: University Excellency Project of Jiangsu province

Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Infection and Immunity: sponsored by Jiangsu Higher Education Bureau

Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Aquatic Animal Nutrition: sponsored by Oceanic and Fishery Bureau of Jiangsu Province

Selected Outstanding postgraduate thesis of Jiangsu Province

Selected Grants awarded by the Postgraduate Innovation Research Program of Jiangsu Province

School of Biology & Basic Medical Sciences Soochow University
ADD:199 Ren-AiRoad,Suzhou Industrial Park,Suzhou,China Postcode:215123 TEL/FAX:(86)-512-65880103 EMAIL:jcsw@suda.edu.cn